York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (YARC) - Secondary Set

Code 9780708720288
RRP £380.40
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Code: 9780708720288
RRP £380.40
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  • Description

    The York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (YARC) Passage Reading Secondary Set comprises a series of prose passages – both fiction and non-fiction – that enables the assessment of a student’s reading comprehension and fluency in a systematic way across the secondary school years. (With 15 Record Forms)

    • Contains passages for students from age 12 to 16 to read silently
    • Includes passages developed for students with a reading age of 8 to 9 years which are read aloud and include a miscue analysis
    • Comprehension questions tap vocabulary knowledge and different types of inference
    • Ideal as an assessment before and after a specific intervention programme
    • Provides standard scores, age equivalent scores and percentile ranks
    • Contains all new material and data from UK-wide standardisation, carried out in 2009
    • Fits with latest pedagogy and curricula for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

    Developed by Centre for Reading and Language at the University of York, which was one of the UK’s leading centres for research into the nature and causes of reading and language difficulties.

    RRP £317.00 + VAT, VAT is shown at checkout.

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