Understanding Maths Learning Difficulties
Dyscalculia, Dyslexia or Dyspraxia?
Author 1: Judy Hornigold
- Description
Judy Hornigold explores potential causes of maths learning difficulties and particularly the specific difficulties that learners with dyscalculia, dyslexia and/or dyspraxia experience. It considers how general maths anxiety impedes mathematical development and then examines whether this, or a more fundamental and specific difficulty with maths such as dyscalculia, is the real root of difficulties.
The book then looks in detail at a wide range of strategies to help overcome general maths anxiety and more specific learning difficulties. It addresses four distinct areas - core number, reasoning, memory and visual spatial awareness - as the main areas of difficulty for learners with dyscalculia (core number and reasoning), dyslexia (memory) and dyspraxia (visual spatial awareness).