Empowering Dyslexics
'Blessed & Gifted'
Author 1: Keisha Adair Swaby
- Description
Marcia Brisset-Bailey, aka theblackdyslexic, says:
"This book highlights the need to have a strong belief in your abilities and the courage to pursue your dreams, whatever they may be, without fearing failure.
Despite the challenges that Keisha encountered, she has proved that there is hope through her resilience, hunger for empowerment,. and determination to achieve her dreams and goals. I hope you will read this book and feel inspired with a realisation that anything is possible, as well as opening up a deeper conversation about diversity and inclusion alongside neurodiversity and its impact from an intersectional lens. It is timely as, for far too long, we have not heard the voices of neurodiverse Black people, and Keisha is part of that change for today, but also for tomorrow in inspiring others to find their own voice.
It's time for organisations and educational institutions to create initiatives that will allow neurodiversity and inclusivity, alongside rreasonable adjustments and support to thrive."